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Ethical Challenges in Conducting Psychoanalytic Ethnography

  • Oaklahoma City, OK (map)

Ethical Challenges in Conducting
Psychoanalytic Ethnography

DATE: May 18, 2019

TIME: 9:00AM - 12:00PM

OU Colege of Public Health
Auditorium 801NE 13th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

In this OSPS seminar, practicing psychoanalyst Dr. Ainslie will use vignettes from his work to highlight ethical questions and challenges that he has encountered while working outside of his consulting room.  Audience members will learn about concepts for and parallels between work outside of the consulting room.


Ricardo Ainslie, PhD is a psychologist-psychoanalyst who uses writing, filmmaking, and photography to capture and depict subjects of social and cultural interest. A native of Mexico City, he currently teaches at the University of Texas at Austin where he holds the M.K. Hage Centennial Professorship in Education. His expertise on immigration issues, especially in surrounding Latino immigration, is extensive.