Articles & Book Chapters
Selected Articles
Ainslie, R.C. & Solyom, A. (1981). "Early assessment of psychological risk factors: On the role of husband/father during pregnancy and in the early postnatal period."Infant Mental health Journal, Spring.
Ainslie, R.C., Solyom, A., & McManus, M. (1982). "On the infant's meaning for the parent: A study of four mother-daughter pairs." Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 13(2), Winter.
Ainslie, R. C., & Anderson, C.W. (1984). "Maternal perceptions of their infants' day care."Infant Mental Health Journal, 3(2), Summer 1984.
Ainslie, R.C. & Solyom, A. (1986). "The replacement of the fantasied oedipal child: A disruptive effect of sibling loss on the mother-infant relationship." Psychoanalytic Psychology.
Ainslie, R. C., Olmstead, K., & O'Loughlin, D. (1987). "The early development context of twinship: Some imitation of the equal environments hypothesis." (Fall). American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
Ainslie, R.C. (1989). Levels of self containment within the treatment situation. The Psychotherapy Patient. 4(3/4).
Ainslie, R.C. (1990). "Masters of the Universe: Children's Toys as Reflections on Contemporary Psychoanalytic Theory." The Journal of The American Academy of Psychoanalysis.
Ainslie, R.C. (1993). "The Psychoanalytic Dyad: A Commentary on the Psychoanalytic Situationas Narrative Process. "Psychologist/Psychoanalyst, Vol XII, No.4.
Ainslie, R.C. (1994). "Notes on the Psychodynamics of Acculturation." Mind and Human Interaction, Vol. 5, No. 2.
Ainslie, R.C. & Peña, E. (1996). Telémakos' Search: An Illustration of Therapeutic Mentoring for Multiply Stressed youth. Mind and Human Interaction, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 202-212.
Gould, J. Prentice N., & Ainslie, R. (1996). "The Splitting Index: Construction of a Scale Measuring the Defense Mechanism of Splitting." Journal of Personality Assessment, 66(2), 414-430.
Ricardo C. Ainslie, Scarborough, J, Zeddies, T., & Adams, M. (1997). "Psychoanalytic Training Opportunities in Predoctoral Internship Settings: Alive -- and Well?" Psychologist-Psychoanalyst.
Ainslie, R.C. (1997). "Mediators of Adolescents' Stress in a College Preparatory Environment." Adolescence, Vol. 31, #124, Winter 1996, pp. 913-924.
Ainslie, R.C. (1997). "My dinner with Ramón: A psychoanalytic memoir." Round Robin, Newsletter for the Section of Psychologist-Psychoanalyst Practitioners, Division of Psychoanalysis, American Psychological Association.
Ainslie, R.C. (1998). "Consideraciones psicodinamicas de los cambios culturales." Cuadernos de Psicoanálisis (Asociación Psiconanalitica Mexicana): Vol. 31, No. 1-2, pp. 115-122.
Harrist, A., & Ainslie, R.C. (1998). "Marital Discord and Child Behavior Problems: Parent-child relationship quality and child interpersonal awareness as mediators." Journal of Family Issues, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 140-163.
Ainslie, R. C. (1999). "La Pulga." ILA - Zeitschrift der Informationsstelle Lateinamerika E.U. (Germany)
Ainslie, R.C. (1999). "The Millenial Neurosis." The Salt Journal.
Ainslie, R.C. (2001). "My dinner with Ramón." The Salt Journal.
Ainslie, R.C. (2001). "The Murder of James Byrd Jr.’s as an Evocation of the Sacred." The Salt Journal.
Ainslie, R.C. & Brabeck, K. (2003). "Race murder and community trauma: Psychoanalysis and Ethnography in exploring the impact of the killing of James Byrd in Jasper, Texas" Journal of Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. Vol 8:1, pp. 42-51.
Cookston, J, Harrist, A, & Ainslie, R. (2003). "Affiliative and Instrumental Marital Discord, Mother's Negative Affect, and Children's Negative Interactions with Unfamiliar Peers." Journal of Child and Family Studies, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 185-200.
Ainslie, R.C., & Hall, E. (2004). "Community resilience and grassroots leadership: Serendipity in the wake of a race murder." Mind and Human Interaction.
Ainslie, R. C. (2004). "Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic Activists, and Identity." Psychoanalytic Activist.
Ainslie, R.C. (2006). "Psychoanalytic Ethnography, Racist Violence, and Jasper, Texas: An Introduction. Journal of Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society." Vol 11, pp. 97-98.
Brabeck, K & Ainslie, R.C. (2008). “The Narration of Collective Trauma: The "True Story" of Jasper, Texas. Journal of Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society.
Ainslie, R.C. (2009). "Regression in the construction of the immigrant other" Journal of Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. Vol.14, No.1, pp 49-57.
Ainslie, R.C. (2009). "Social class and its reproduction in the immigrant’s construction of self." Journal of Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. Vol 14, 213-224.
Ainslie, R.C. (2011). "Immigration and the psychodynamics of class." Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol 28(4), 560-568.
Ainslie, R.C. (2011). "Mexico’s law enforcement challenge: The case study of Ciudad Juarez." International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education. Vol. 14. No.2.19-26.
Ainslie, R.C. (2012). "Ciudad Juárez, Violence, and the Social Fabric." Portal, Teresa Lozano Long Institute for Latin American Studies, Issue No.7.
Ainslie, R.C. (2013). "Intervention strategies for addressing collective trauma: Healing communities ravaged by racial strife." Journal of Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. Vol. 18, 2, 140-152.
Ainslie, R.C., Tammala-Narra, U., Harlem, A, Barbanel, L, Ruth, R. (2013). "Contemporary psychoanalytic Views on the Experience of immigration: A report from the Division Task Force." Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol. 30(4), 663-679.
Sandoval, L., Costigan, A., Ainslie, R., and Orr, M. (in press). Asthenia: Cultural differences can affect how space agencies treat it.” Proceedings of the 63rd International Astronautical Congress. International Astronautical Federation.
Book Chapters
Ainslie, R.C., & Solyom, A. (1981). "Early assessment of psychological risk factors: On the role of husband/father during pregnancy and in the early postnatal period." In Stack, J.M. (Ed.), The infant in a changing society. Human Sciences Press.
Ainslie, R.C., & C.W. Anderson (1984). "Day care children's relationships to their mothers and caregivers: An inquiry into the conditions for the development of attachment." In R.C. Ainslie (Ed.), The child and the day care setting: Qualitative variations and development. New York: Praeger.
Ainslie, R.C. (1990). "Family and center contributions to the adjustment of infants in full-time day care." In K. McCartney (Ed.), New Directions in Child Development, Jossey Bass.
Ainslie, R.C. (1994). "The Austin Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology." In Robert C. Land and Murray Meisels, (Eds.): A History of the Division of Psychoanalysis in the American Psychological Association. New York:Lawrence Earlbaum Associates.
Ainslie, R.C. (1998). "Cultural Mourning, Immigration, and Engagement: vignettes from the Mexican Experience." In: (Marcelo Suarez-Orozco, Ed.) Crossings:Immigration and the Socio-Cultural Remaking of the North American Space. Harvard University Press. pp. 283-300
Ainslie, R. C. (1999). "Twinship And Twinning Reactions in Siblings." Brothers and Sisters: Developmental, Dynamic, and Technical Aspects of the Sibling Relationship (Akhtar, Salman & Kramer, Selma, Eds.). Northvale: Jason Aronson.
Ainslie, R.C. (2002). "The Plasticity of Culture and Psychodynamic and Psychosocial Processes in Latino Immigrant Families." In: Latinos: Remaking America(Marcelo Suarez-Orozco & Mariela Páez, Eds.) University of California Press, pp. 289-301.
Ainslie, R. (2003). "Mothering Twins: Psychodynamic contributions." In: The Inner World of the Mother (Mendell and Turrini, Ed.s). International Universities Press.
Ainslie, R. (2004). "Object Relations Theory." In: Counseling Theories. Aaron Rochlen, Published Website: Brooks Cole, Technologically Based Learning Sites.
Ainslie, R. (2009). "Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy." In: Counseling Theory Applications Aaron Rochlen, Ed. Columbus Ohio:Prentice Hall.
Ainslie, R. (2009). "Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Approaches to Therapy." In: Encyclopedia of Counseling, NY: Sage.
Ainslie, R. & Dominguez, D. (2009). "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Latino World War II Veterans." In: Latinos/as in World War II, University of Texas Press (Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, Ed.)
Ainslie, R. & Dominguez, D. (2013). "Looking North: Mexican Immigration and the Social Imaginary." In: Leal, David & Limón, José (Eds.) Latinos in the 21st Century, University of Notre Dame Press.
Ainslie, R. (2015). "Trauma, Community, and Contemporary Racial Violence: Reflections on the Architecture of Memory." In: The Ethics of Remembering and the Consequences of Forgetting: Essays on Trauma, History and Memory, (O’Loughlin, M. Ed.) Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 309-324.
Ainslie, R. (2015). "Individual and socio-cultural dynamics in the treatment of Latino patients." In: The American Latino. (S. Akhtar, Ed.). Northvale: Jason Aronson, pp. 159-172.